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The Weiss-method supports for unwanted habits

Since 35 years


The Weiss Method supports people who want to rid themselves of annoying habits like smoking, eating sugar or other habits that are often harmful to health, towards a balanced and healthy lifestyle – and this in a completely natural way.

The Weiss method deals with topics such as sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss or other habits and compulsions like obsessive media consumption e.g.

The Weiss Method is purely natural, individual and complementary. It is painless and does not require medication, hypnosis or needles. The majority of our clients experience the Weiss Seminar as very pleasant and relaxing.

The Weiss Method works with 100% natural energies. Everything we think, feel and speak is not visible, but ethereal, also called energy. Not visible but still perceptible for all of us.

The human body, like all life in the world, has an energy system. Internal and external factors can cause blockages in this system, which are involved in the development of complaints and unhealthy habits.

As in bioenergetic medicine the meridians, paths used by energies in the body, there are also energy pathways in the human electromagnetic field. These energy paths, mostly invisible to the physical eye, can either be stimulated, calmed or cleaned with the Weiss Method.

After sessions with the Weiss Method, people experience either a strong dislike or a feeling of indifference to the addictive substance.

In the 30 to 40-minute preparatory meeting, you will be told what will happen during the session and what can be expected after the treatment. Your individual questions will be answered here.

If you are unsure after the preparatory talk, you can decide whether you want to take part in the treatment or not. You have no risk and there are no costs to you. This is our promise to you.

The actual session lasts between 15 and 25 minutes. Here, among other things, physical procedures such as acupressure are used.

Additionally, will the energy channels in the electromagnetic field, which are the stimulus that keeps the habits going, be calmed to such an extent that an indifference or aversion to the previously known compulsive habits sets in.

After the session, you will receive valuable tips from 35 years of experience on your topic, which will – if necessary – help you to make the transition to a healthy lifestyle as easy as possible.

This unique, individual approach, which has been experienced for over 35 years, makes it possible to calm habits, desires, and even compulsive behavior so much that a person can get out of this eternal loop more easily. Many people describe a deep sense of calm and feel more vital after the session.

Telephone treatments

The majority of our Weiss seminars have been held over the phone for several years now! Especially nowadays it is difficult to find a suitable method on weekdays or weekends that will quickly and effectively help against your annoying and unhealthy habits.

Thanks to our fast, competent and efficient approach, but also because we are not dependent on our physical location, it is possible to take part in all Weiss Seminars by telephone.  With that opportunity our participants do not have long travel times, costs or waiting times.

You can stay at home and we will give you a call!

Confidential and discreet.

We help you to take this step into a self-determined life and wish only the best for your health and future!

Book a phone treatment online now

Contact us!

By contact form. Please share with us your favorite time when we can contact you. We will contact you as soon as possible and find a fitting seminar together.

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